Sweet & Spicy Gay Romance Deals for March 3, 2022

Honeymoon Ever After - Ariella Zoelle


Rory’s never been attracted to a man before, but Kieran changes everything from the first moment they meet. Will he be able to embrace his unexpected feelings for the Hollywood celebrity?

Rory Kinsella: My new life plan is going great: Dump my awful fiancée who is in love with her best friend and not me? Done. Celebrate my newfound freedom and happiness by going on a solo “me-moon” honeymoon? Great, that should be fun. Fall in love with a Hollywood action hero when I'm straight? Wait, what?!

Besides being absurdly handsome and incredibly charismatic, Kieran looks at me with his magnetic and captivating green eyes in a magical way that makes me feel like I’m the only person in the world that matters. But is that really enough to make me forget that I’m normally attracted to women?

Kieran Aiello: My hide out from the paparazzi “vacation” plans: Go to Sweden to escape from a scandal? Easy, I can do that. Stay in my hotel room without leaving for any reason per my agent's orders? Yeah, that's not happening. Find a hot Swede to hook up with in a sauna? Definitely doable.

But things take a surprising turn when I accidentally run into Rory instead, a cute grad student who actually sees the real me that most people don’t believe is hidden under all my Hollywood muscles. He wasn’t part of my original plans, but what could be more tempting than that?


An Alpha Bear For Lucian - Lorelei M. Hart & Colbie Dunbar


Aspen didn’t know you could accidentally become Alpha of a Den, but that’s exactly what he just did.

Alpha bear shifter Aspen was ready to begin his new life in the big city. He has a job lined up, a lease signed, and his truck packed. All he has left is to get there. Too bad that’s easier said than done, because his truck picked the middle of nowhere to break down—alongside a bear den’s land of all places.

Omega bear shifter Lucian hates his den. No, that isn’t fair. It isn’t the den he hates as much as the leadership. When rumors of an alpha bear seeking refuge until his truck is repaired reach him, Lucien forms a plan. If he can convince the shifter to take him when he leaves, he can escape this horrible life.

Sneaking out to find the new bear sounded like a great idea, until Lucian gets caught.

So much for best laid plans.


The Real Thing Series Collection - Emma Lyon


All four books in The Real Thing series in one scorching hot collection. Features fake dating, secret romance, a handsome billionaire and his long-suffering PA, public professions of love, and a hard-fought second chance love.


Course Correction - Mia West


When seal shifter and rescue swimmer Nate decides to shake things up, he proposes a sexy bargain to the pilot he’s wanted for years. Now they’re bound for uncharted waters, but Gil just can't resist an order from his favorite lieutenant.


Always - Loren Leigh


I avoid him.

Every time Kepler Quinn steps into a room, I get the hell out.

He does... something to me. When those discerning gray eyes flick towards me, his brow rising in a silent greeting, there’s a tightening of my abs. A zapping hum quivering low along my spine.

There are about a million reasons it shouldn’t be what the little voice in the back of my head insists... a crush.

Because Kepler isn’t just some random guy. He’s my brother’s best friend. He’s also my TA for physics this semester. And also... a guy. I’ve never held strongly onto being straight, but I’ve also never had this sun-scorching need for another guy before.

But I can’t avoid him when we’re suddenly in the back stacks of the library—alone—nothing but the smell of old books and softly falling dust around us. And instead of walking away from him, I let out the two words that burn in my throat:

“Kiss me."


Top Priority - Cara Dee


In a perfect world, Lucas West would meet someone in one of the BDSM communities he was active in, someone who ached for a Daddy Dom as much as Lucas longed for a Little to care for. They would date, play, build something that was just for them, and share a future together.

In a perfect world, Colt Carter would get through his next deployment and then move closer to DC where he could create at least a semblance of a personal life. He wanted something outside of the Air Force, something kinky, something worth leaving everything behind for eventually. For years, he’d kept his inner Sadist and Daddy Dom locked up, only letting him out to play on rare occasions.

In a perfect world...

In reality, Lucas and Colt met each other.